Avoiding room light during night may stimulate immunity in COVID-19 patients by promoting melatonin production

Light at night with melatonin and COVID-19

  • Murtada Ahmed Ahmed Sudanese National Council for Medical and Health Professionals, Khartoum, Sudan
Keywords: COVID-19, melatonin, light-inhibition, immunity, eye masks, darkness


COVID-19 is one of the greatest health issues facing humankind for many decades; it emerged in Wuhan, China, late in December 2019, and rapidly spread over the world within the short period. This report emphasizes the potential hazards of exposure to room light at night which affects the immunity of COVID-19 patients by suppressing their melatonin, which is only released from the pineal gland at night. Exposure to light at night is especially common in the hospital setting. This may make the symptom worse for the hospitalized patients and the light at night should not be ignored. Thus, I suggest that COVID-19 patients should avoid light at night either by wearing eye masks or darkening the room to enhance pineal melatonin synthesis and increase their serum melatonin levels.


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How to Cite
Ahmed, M. 2020. Avoiding room light during night may stimulate immunity in COVID-19 patients by promoting melatonin production. Melatonin Research. 3, 4 (Oct. 2020), 476-481. DOI:https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.32794/mr11250073.