Plant Perception of Light: The role of indoleamines in Scutellaria species
Perception of light: melatonin’s favourite colours
Light mediates plant growth through diverse mechanisms and signaling networks including plant growth regulators (PGRs). We hypothesized that a novel class of PGRs, the indoleamines, are plant signaling molecules that perceive changes in light composition and initiate a cascade of metabolic responses. We used three Scutellaria model species (skullcap): S. lateriflora, S. galericulata and S. racemosa that produce high levels of melatonin and serotonin to investigate this hypothesis. Axenic Scutellaria cultures were exposed to red, blue, green or full spectrum white light spectra provided by light emitting diode (LED) lighting systems, or daylight fluorescent bulbs. Melatonin (MEL), serotonin (5HT), abscisic acid (ABA), auxin (IAA), and jasmonic acid (JA), were quantified by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Melatonin was detected consistently in plants grown under blue light in all species of Scutellaria. In S. galericulata, significant quantities of ABA were detected in plants grown under white light but not detected in plants grown under other light spectra. In timeline studies of S. racemosa plants exposed to limited red or blue light spectra had significantly reduced levels of tryptamine (TRM), 5HT and MEL in the shoots initially but melatonin was detected after 12 hours and quantifiable amounts of 5HT were detected after 7 days. Supplementation of the culture medium with MEL or 5HT did not change the pattern of MEL in blue light grown cultures but did change patterns of 5HT accumulation. 5HT was highest in plants grown under red light immediately after culture and decreased over 7 days. These data indicate that the relative amounts of MEL and 5HT are responsive to light spectra and redirect metabolic resources to enable plant adaptations to changing environments.
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