Potentially synergistic effects of melatonin and metformin in alleviating hyperglycaemia: a comprehensive review
Combination of melatonin and metformin as anti-diabetic therapy
High level of glucose is hazardous for organisms since it leads to lipid peroxidation, protein glycation and free radical generation. Insulin can lower the high blood glucose by promoting cell’s glucose up-taking. Thus, the impeded insulin secretion in type 1-diabetes and insensitivity of cells to insulin in type 2-diabetes cause hyperglycaemia. Hyperglycaemia impairs mitochondrial function of pancreas to trigger ROS generation. The malfunctional mitochondria cause endoplasmic reticulum to produce misfolded non-functional insulin, finally leading to diabetes. Melatonin, the mitochondria targeted antioxidant, provides protection against diabetes by multiple ways. These include balancing cellular redox status, lowering blood glucose level by modulating metabolic pathways and, finally protecting cells/organelles from high glucose induced injury. Moreover, this indoleamine preserves pancreatic physiological normalcy to facilitate insulin secretion. Thus, melatonin can effectively mitigate diabetes and diabetic complications. Metformin, the most prescribed medicine for type 2-diabetes, has similar antidiabetic activities as melatonin. Both the molecules share similar pathways to preserve stress-stricken pancreas and other organs, whereas, melatonin also potentiates the actions of metformin. The potentially synergistic actions of melatonin and metformin are expected and we strongly recommend a combined therapeutic application of these two molecules for treatment of diabetes.
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