A comparative overview on the role of melatonin and vitamins as potential antioxidants against oxidative stress induced degenerative infirmities: An emerging concept
Comparative analysis on antioxidant properties of vitamin and melatonin
Oxidative stress is a biological phenomenon described by decreased ability of the antioxidative system to neutralize excess reactive oxygen species (ROS). At low or moderate concentrations, ROS creates harmony in physiological functions but over production of ROS in long term can predisposes several chronic and neurodegenerative diseases such as coronary diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, hemolytic anemia, pulmonary diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, etc. The therapeutic use of antioxidants to control oxidative damage is a well-established phenomenon. In these aspects, melatonin and other classical antioxidant vitamins such as carotenoids, α-tocopherol, vitamin D, and ascorbic acid have gained enormous attention in the modern research area. In this review, we will discuss the comparative as well as the synergistic role of melatonin and other vitamins against stress-mediated disorders. Noteworthy, based on research evidence mentioned here we can recommend the combined use of melatonin and vitamins to alleviate the stress-induced toxicity in the broad spectrum.
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